Use Your Pencil Lead to X out Misuse of Led! Please!

Be A NovelistOmigoodness!  I saw it again.  In a published book.  Not just once, mind you. One time and I would have chalked it up to a typo. But twice within just a few pages.  If the book had not been required reading for necessary research, I would have cast it aside and never picked it up again.

Lead – a Mineral

Lead is a mineral! It is a noun, not a verb. (Pronounced led.) There can be no past tense of a noun.

Lead – an Action Verb

If you are a leader and you lead someone (pronounced leed), then (past tense) you led them. Even past participle is led. As in “She’s led the club for several years.”  

Three little letters L-E-D!  You led them.  Not – You lead them!

Here are exact quotes from said naughty book that I longed to toss across the room:

“…if your GPS device is like mine, it has probably lead you astray at least once…”

“…you now realize that those duties lead you to land the next few jobs…”

I am not making this up.

Twice in 23 Pages

This means the glaring error passed under the noses of the author, the editors, and the proofreaders (that is, trusting there were proofreaders).

I said it occurred twice in this culprit book.  But I must add that I am now on page 23.  Total pages in the book – 241.  I may see it again in the near future.  (Or other closely related family members.)

I hasten to add that the subject matter of this non-fiction book is handled expertly.  Its tone contains a combination of well-presented facts and well-placed touches of humor.  However, the led/lead experience soured me on the book.


Rather like going to the fridge to grab the milk container. You pour a tall glass full, head to the couch with your handful of Oreos and settle in for a nice treat.  The first gulp tells the tale. The milk’s gone sour.  That glass of milk still looks good, but you’re probably not going to want to finish the whole glass.

My Rare Rant

Those of you who follow my Be A Novelist blog site can attest to the fact that I seldom rant.  This is my rant for the year. (Quarter? Month? I don’t want to box myself in.) smile

Do Yourself a Favor

Can I make the case any stronger than this?Be A Novelist

If you respect your reader (and want to be respected by your reader), if you want to be “heard” through your writing, if you long to have a career as a novelist (or any other type of writer/author), do yourself and your readers a huge favor – invest whatever time and sacrifice it takes to study the English language in general, and grammar in particular.

Get the lead out and DO it!


I trust the teaching and instruction given in this blog post was helpful in your goal to be a novelistFor more in-depth writer’s workshops, check out the wide variety offered at the Be A Novelist Website.


Are you one of those budding novelists who makes a great start but you can’t seem to finish?  Then this is for you!  Be A Novelist, Six-Month, Finish-My-Novel Challenge!  Six full months of guidance and instruction. Guaranteed to light a fire under your novel-writing attempts and to launch you into a pattern of consistent writing! Check it out here!

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2 Responses to Use Your Pencil Lead to X out Misuse of Led! Please!

  1. Thank you for the information, Norma, both here and on the website.

    • Hi Liz! You’re certainly welcome. As I state repeatedly, I love to teach and encourage. Love the Internet, in that it allows me to do that on a large scale! I feel very blessed.

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